28 July 2011

Module 3 Part 1: Requirements Engineering

This module is first about the concept of requirements and types of requirements. the key points that we should remember is:
  1. the meaning of requirements
  2. the two types of requirements:
    • Functional requirements (FR) 
    • Non-functional requirements (NFR)

 Second is what Requirements Engineering, its process, and the importance of them to product development projects in general. The key point that we sholud remember is:
  1. the meaning of requirements engineering
  2. the important of requirements engineering
Third is about what requirements elicitation, requirements analysis and negotiation, requirements specification, requirements verification and validation, and requirements management tasks are.

Fourth is various methods, approaches, and techniques for performing and supporting the RE process.The key point from requirements management that we should remember is:
  •      Managing changes to requirement
  •      Managing configuration of requirements and requirements document – version control
  •      Maintaining requirements traceability
  •      Tracking requirements status

That is, for overall for module 3 part 1. We as student may I suggest to study group this module 3 because it is one of important module that coming up in final exam.

created by : nursakinah mohd rosli